Towards Employment

We provide support for the students who are seeking employment in Japan!

The career advisor and the teacher will work together to support you through every stage leading to successful employment.

  • Guidance on job-hunting in Japan will be provided.
  • Guidance will be given to students in their search to select the company right for them.
  • Information will be provided regarding job offers mainly in Japan.
  • Carrying out individual consultations
  • On-campus individual meeting session will be set up with prospective companies.
  • Assisting you in applying for a job (writing a resume, practicing receiving employment interviews, etc.)
  • Counseling will be provided regarding procedures for changing visa status.

Individual Job-Seeking Consultation

The Career Center supports you in many ways to find employment, from guidance to the actual application process. We provide consultations as needed to prepare you for job applications. We also provide support to the graduates of Naganuma School who are seeking employment in Japan.

Successful Employments

Message from superiors


Gradurated in September, 2023

From Hong Kong

Employment: Tsuburaya Productions

Several years before I came to Japan to study at the Naganuma School, I traveled around Shikoku. During that trip, I met an American woman who worked at the city hall. She told me that during her trip she fell in love with Japan and decided to work and live in Japan. At the time, her idea seemed so far-fetched that I would never imagined I would do the same. However, the Corona pandemic and other things that occurred around the world changed my mind. I began studying basic Japanese, enrolled in the Naganuma School, and started preparing for my future life in Japan.

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My goal was to get a stable job and live in Japan for the long term. I enrolled in the Communication Japanese course at Naganuma School to solidify the important foundations of speaking and writing Japanese. In the beginning, it was very difficult to speak and communicate with Japanese people. However, the teachers at Naganuma School really support students' progress. If you are willing to use Japanese, opportunities to practice Japanese at school are everywhere, even outside the classroom. Thanks to this, I was able to improve gradually.
When I felt that I could communicate well enough in basic Japanese, I moved on to the Business Japanese course. The class had a completely different atmosphere. Not only studying vocabulary and grammar used in business situations, but more importantly, we learned to prepare for job hunting in-order to work in Japan. The teachers and staff were always willing to listen to any problems we had in finding job postings, sending in applications, and getting interviews, and offered useful and insightful advice.
Whether you get the job ultimately depends on each person's situation. However, I know I would never have been able to do it without the support of the people who taught and helped me at the Naganuma School. And I am very grateful for that. If you are thinking about living and working in Japan, I believe that if you put your heart and soul into it, it is not as far away as you think.


Gradurated in November, 2022

From North Ireland

Employment: Mercari, Inc
Position:Security Management

Before I enrolled in the Naganuma School, I had already made up my mind to find a job and live permanently in Japan. At the time, I was able to speak everyday Japanese, but I was not confident about business conversation in Japanese, so I enrolled in the Business Japanese course to prepare for job hunting in Japan. The classes were engaging, fun, and most importantly, practical. With the support of the teachers, I was able to acquire useful skills by writing my resume, practicing job hunting, and conducting mock interviews.

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Just two months after entering the school, I started job hunting and within a month after that, I received a job offer from a well-known Japanese company. I have now been working at that company for over a year and a half, and I use what I learned at Naganuma School every day. Business expressions and honorifics come in handy in my daily work and communication. My knowledge of Japanese business culture is very useful such as how to write business emails, conduct business negotiations, and participate in meetings. I strongly recommend Naganuma School to anyone who seriously wants to prepare for job hunting and life in Japan. What I learned here really changed my life. I am sincerely grateful.

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